Tuesday, March 4, 2025

"Candid Camera"


“Candid Camera”


The TV reality show “Candid Camera” was broadcast in various versions from 1948 through 2014. Created by Allen Funt and hosted by various celebrities over its phenomenal run, the program filmed ordinary people’s reacting to pre-designed circumstances. Examples include a gas station attendant’s (remember them?) pumping fuel into a VW Bug outfitted with a 40 gallon tank (its standard size was 12.5 gallons) and a string tied to a tee at a golf driving range which a hidden staff member pulled so the ball fell off the tee when the golfer began his swing. The “victims’” reactions varied from humor to horror when they were caught in the act of being themselves (the show’s catch phrase).

In 2 Chronicles 27:2 it says this about Judah’s King Jotham: “He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…but…he did not enter the temple of the Lord. The people continued their corrupt practices.”  (Emphasis added). His example of neglecting worshipping God in His house didn’t go unnoticed and had a negative impact on the nation. Our influence isn’t that of a king but we can’t risk leading someone astray by not living our faith out in the everyday world. (“Live as children of light….”—Ephesians 5:8, emphasis added).

Chances are most of us were never caught unaware by the “Candid Camera” crew. However, we never know when someone may be watching and being influenced by our actions. Dr. Haddon Robinson shared a story from his pastoral ministry of a young couple whom he saw in their home after they attended a service. They asked him if another couple they knew were church members. When Dr. Robinson replied that they were the new couple said they were watching them to see if their faith made a difference in their lives. Dr. Robinson then told the church couple about the visit without identifying the seekers. Shortly thereafter the new couple accepted Christ as a result of a godly example set by others.

To someone somewhere it’s probable that each of us is Exhibit A of what a Christian is like. Jesus may have had such a situation in mind when He said, “…Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16, NLT). So…as I’m on someone’s “Candid Camera” am I making Jesus look good?


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan



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