Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Check It Out"

“Check It Out”

Years ago I wrote a “Letter to the Editor” to an area newspaper in response to a column which had lambasted a Christian ministry. In my zeal to set the record straight I’d neglected to check a key fact and was embarrassed when my error was brought to my attention. After this experience you can rest assured that I’m much more diligent to do my homework before expressing my thoughts.

While pastoring in New Hampshire I received an “every box mailing” claiming to represent a fellowship of believers with which I was familiar. As I read it many of the statements didn’t line up with what I knew about this group’s beliefs. Thinking back to the letter incident of years before I called the organization’s headquarters and was told that the writer had been disfellowshipped  a few years previously for spreading doctrine which was contrary to Scripture. I was then able to warn our congregation (many of whom had seen the same material) of this false teaching.

From time to time I get email forwards from well-meaning people. Some of these messages have value but others were sent without checking on their accuracy. This can become the cyberspace version of rumors and gossip, something God warns us to avoid (“What dainty morsels rumors are—but they seek deep into one’s heart”—Proverbs 18:8, NLT). So before believing (and especially sending on) what shows up in our inbox check it out for accuracy—a number of websites are available to do so.

During Paul’s travels he ministered in Berea after a quick nighttime exit from Thessalonica. As he taught in the synagogue “…The Bereans…received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11). So they didn’t just blindly accept what was said—they made sure it lined up with God’s Word.

So whether it’s a teacher, preacher, email or any other source check it out to avoid believing and spreading misinformation. This will quickly stop the rumor mill, silence gossip, and keep the egg off our faces.


Jim McMillan


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