"The Dominos Are Standing"
“The Dominos Are Standing”
The Guinness Book recognizes the record for the most dominos
falling in a circular arrangement as 89,995, done by a group in Abn Dhabi, UAE,
in 2018. However, this feat pales in comparison to the individual standard of
321,197 toppled by Lin Yang in China in 2011 or that accomplished by Weijur
Domino Productions in the Netherlands in 2009 at a whopping 4,491,863. Seeing
these “achievements” makes one wonder if some people have too much time on
their hands.
These game tiles standing in a row has given rise to the term
“Domino Effect”, defined by Wikipedia as “the cumulative effect produced when
one event sets off a chain of similar events”. Usually we think of this
phenomenon in the negative, paraphrased by “Murphy’s Law #1241”: “Anything that
can go wrong will!” And once the process starts it can be very difficult to
In 1 Corinthians 15 the Apostle Paul addresses the fact and impact
of Christ’s resurrection in great detail. In verses 12-19 he explains the
“Domino Effect” if this great truth isn’t so, Summarized, if His resurrection
has been confirmed by witnesses (see v.5-8) how can the concept of resurrection
be denied (v.12, Domino #1)? And if there’s no such thing, Christ didn’t rise
and His body is still in a Middle East grave (v.13, Domino #2), Further, if
Christ isn’t alive our faith is useless (v.14, Domino #3), And if this is the
case we’re believing and testifying to a lie (v.15, Domino #4). Consequently if
it’s a lie Jesus didn’t rise (v.16, Domino #5). And if such is the case we are
hopelessly lost in our sins (v.17, Domino #6) and the readers’ loved ones who
had died have no hope (v.18, Domino #7). Finally, if this present life is all
there is we’re to be pitied for believing there’s something more and far better
(v.19, Domino #8).
But then Paul shouts triumphantly (or writes in bold
letters), “But Christ has indeed been
raised from the dead….” (1 Corinthians 15:20, emphasis added). Volumes have
been written showing the certainty of this greatest truth of our Christian
faith. All attempts at explaining it away pose more questions than answers so
there’s no reason to deny its reality. The dominos are still standing—and always
will! Hallelujah! And Happy Resurrection Day!
Grace and Blessings!
Jim McMillan