"Training My Cat"
“Training My Cat”
This morning I was looking at my cat Lily as she settled in
for a nap across the room from where I was sitting. I reflected on how much
she’s changed since I adopted her at age three. Since then she has learned to
respond to different voices I use and even hand gestures, knowing what I want.
This does not mean that she is still not an independent feline as God created
her, but she has changed drastically from a cat who was so afraid of me into
one who trusts me totally. The other day she was across the room and all I did
was crook my finger in the “Come here” gesture and she came right over to get
some love because she knows what that means. I didn’t have to speak at all. She
comes running when I use a certain voice for her treats. She understands
praise. She understands love. She knows I only want what is best for her.
Then I thought: Has God trained me? Have I learned to “hear”
and understand the subtle words that He puts in my spirit and immediately
respond? Have I changed from a person who was fearful and wanted her own way to
a person who totally trusts her Maker? I’m still independent in a way because
of the free will that God has blessed each of us with, but do I now choose to
put that aside to do what He wants me to do? Have my responses to
situations been freely released into His desires for me? Do I know for
sure that He only wants the best for me?
The difference is, Lily has learned to respond in certain
ways because of receiving rewards, My response to my Savior is my choice
but totally based on the fact that He came to this Earth as all God and all
man, died, and rose again…for me. I respond to that out of love, not reward. I
respond to that based on total trust in Him. I respond to that out of absolute
gratitude for all He is, all He has done, and all He is continuing to do in my
life, knowing without a doubt that He wants the best for me.
For Lily, it is a learned behavior. For me it is an honor and
privilege to allow myself to be melded into the character of Christ.
“Take on an entirely
new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and
working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces His character in
you,” (Ephesians 4:24, The Message).
Grace and Blessings!
Karen McMillan