"God of the Mess"
“God of the Mess”
In my hospital rounds not long ago I visited a patient with
multiple health problems. As she shared her feelings with me she began to shed
some tears but then smiled and said something like “I’m a mess but God’s with
me”. She blessed me much more than I did her by her faith in the midst of her
A couple in our Sunday School class went on a European river
cruise last year and during one of the land tours the wife tripped and fell.
She protected herself from a possible head injury by putting her hands out but
in so doing broke a finger. Was God in this mess? He certainly was because she
received treatment at a nearby hospital and a retired physician in the group
kept an eye on her so she and her husband could complete the trip. The fracture
eventually required two surgeries but, as she put it. “God was in the mess!”
We think of a mess as a disorderly, unexpected or
out-of-the-ordinary situation or a confusing state of affairs. We’ve all been
in them—some of our own making and others due to circumstances beyond our
control. But if we believe the promise that “…(God) will never leave you nor
forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 quoted in Hebrews 13:5) we can be sure He’s
with us in whatever mess we might find ourselves. Think of Joseph for a moment.
He was sold into slavery by his brothers, imprisoned on trumped-up charges
brought by a woman whose advances he resisted and was separated from his family
and faith resources for many years. But God had a plan. He delivered His
servant, placed him in a high position and used him to save his family. His
testimony to his brothers tells it all: “You intended to harm me, but God intended
it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
(Genesis 50:20). God was truly the God of his mess! The same can be said of His
prophets, Jesus’ disciples and countless others. In the words of Andrae
Crouch’s great song “Through It All”: “For if I’d never had a problem I
wouldn’t know that God could solve them, I’d never know what faith in God could
What’s your mess today? Remember God’s the God of it and
He’ll see you through as He has me—many times.
Grace and Blessings!
Jim McMillan