"Beyond Christmas"
“Beyond Christmas”
When my kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews were small I’d
sometimes take them on my lap to tell a story: “Once upon a time they lived
happily ever after.” When they looked at me strangely and protested that it wasn’t a story I’d remind
them there was a beginning and an ending—the only missing part was the middle.
For some reason this usually didn’t fly so I’d have to tell them a “real” one.
We’re in that season when we emphasize Jesus’ birth. Then in
three or four months we’ll stress His death, resurrection and ascension. But
what about the 33 years in between? Why do we tend to leave Him in the manger
at this time of year and overlook the rest of His story?
Years ago Karen realized that the account of Jesus’ birth is
the beginning, not the end, of the narrative of His life. She expressed this
truth by writing a song called “Don’t Leave Christ in the Manger”:
“We think of
Christ’s birth in Bethlehem town,
Of angels, of shepherds, the stable and hay,
Of events that
surrounded the Holy Child’s birth
On that first
blessed Christmas day.
It did not end
there on that day long ago,
There was
purpose in Christ’s coming down from above.
He became in
that instant all God and all man,
And He taught
the whole world of God’s love.
He grew up being
tempted and hurt as we are,
And when grown
He was crucified on a tree.
But He rose from
the grave to die no more,
And from sin
gave complete victory.
Don’t leave
Christ in the manger,
He grew up from
a babe to a man
To save all
mankind from the darkness of sin;
To provide us
with redemption’s plan."
Jesus’ birth had been prophesied by Isaiah and Micah some 700
years before “…the right time came, (and) God sent His Son….” (Galatians 4:4,
NLT). And at that right time “…by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge….” (Acts
2:23) He died and arose “…to remove the power of sin forever….” (Hebrews 9:26,
NLT). This is the completion of the story which began in Bethlehem that first
Christmas night. Let God by His grace take you beyond Christmas to the fullness
of life Jesus came to bring.
Grace and Blessings!
Jim McMillan