Tuesday, March 4, 2025

"The Missing I"


“The Missing ‘I’”


The 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY was highlighted by the men’s ice hockey team’s winning the gold medal over the heavily favored squad from the (then) USSR. No one who saw the semi-final game against the Russians can forget Sportscaster Al Michael’s shouting as the clock would down and the American victory was assured: “Do you believe in miracles? YES!!” Sports Illustrated named it the top sports moment of the 20th century. The story behind this great accomplishment is told in the 1981 movie “Miracle on Ice”. (Another film version appeared in 2004 simply entitled “Miracle”.)

Coach Herb Brooks took an unorganized group of college amateurs and in a matter of months molded them into a unit which defied the odds and brought gold to our nation. But it wasn’t easy as the players jostled for recognition. After a lackluster performance in an exhibition game leading up to the Olympics Brooks held a brutal practice session during which he said, “The name on the front of your jersey is much more important than the name on the back.” This was a key turning point in the team’s progress towards the ultimate objective as they saw themselves as a unit, not individuals, and learned the truth of President Truman’s words: “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

Solomon wrote, “A good name is more desirable than great riches….” (Proverbs 22:1), so there’s a place for healthy pride in our reputation as godly people. That’s the name we wear on our back. But our Lord’s brother makes reference to “…the noble name of him to whom you belong.” (James 2:7). (The Greek word translated “noble” also means “beautiful, excellent”.) This “noble” name is “Christian”, or follower of Christ. That’s the name we’re to wear on our front for the world to see.

Long time UCLA basketball coach John Wooden repeatedly told his players, “There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’”. The same can be said of “church”. Paul describes this in these words: “…In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:5, emphasis added). So the missing “I” is to be replaced by “we”. Jesus asked His Father that “…all of them (i.e. those who believe in Him) may be one….” (John 17:21). Will we strive to be the answer to His prayer?


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan

"Candid Camera"


“Candid Camera”


The TV reality show “Candid Camera” was broadcast in various versions from 1948 through 2014. Created by Allen Funt and hosted by various celebrities over its phenomenal run, the program filmed ordinary people’s reacting to pre-designed circumstances. Examples include a gas station attendant’s (remember them?) pumping fuel into a VW Bug outfitted with a 40 gallon tank (its standard size was 12.5 gallons) and a string tied to a tee at a golf driving range which a hidden staff member pulled so the ball fell off the tee when the golfer began his swing. The “victims’” reactions varied from humor to horror when they were caught in the act of being themselves (the show’s catch phrase).

In 2 Chronicles 27:2 it says this about Judah’s King Jotham: “He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…but…he did not enter the temple of the Lord. The people continued their corrupt practices.”  (Emphasis added). His example of neglecting worshipping God in His house didn’t go unnoticed and had a negative impact on the nation. Our influence isn’t that of a king but we can’t risk leading someone astray by not living our faith out in the everyday world. (“Live as children of light….”—Ephesians 5:8, emphasis added).

Chances are most of us were never caught unaware by the “Candid Camera” crew. However, we never know when someone may be watching and being influenced by our actions. Dr. Haddon Robinson shared a story from his pastoral ministry of a young couple whom he saw in their home after they attended a service. They asked him if another couple they knew were church members. When Dr. Robinson replied that they were the new couple said they were watching them to see if their faith made a difference in their lives. Dr. Robinson then told the church couple about the visit without identifying the seekers. Shortly thereafter the new couple accepted Christ as a result of a godly example set by others.

To someone somewhere it’s probable that each of us is Exhibit A of what a Christian is like. Jesus may have had such a situation in mind when He said, “…Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16, NLT). So…as I’m on someone’s “Candid Camera” am I making Jesus look good?


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan


"Read It Aloud"


“Read It Aloud”


In the Old Testament, especially in Exodus and Leviticus, God gives specific procedures for worshipping Him (e.g. perfect sacrifices, cleansing, times). As we read through the New Testament, however, we find no prescribed order of worship. But there are a number of elements included in the church’s corporate gatherings (e.g. singing, prayer, preaching, teaching, giving and fellowship) which are still done today. One practice, though, which was part of the early church’s time together which isn’t included in many of today’s assemblies is Scripture reading. Paul instructed his pastoral protégé to “…devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” (1 Timothy 4:13, emphasis added). Why is this now a “missing element” in many Bible believing churches?

One possibility is that it was necessary in the first fifteen centuries of church history because written copies of God’s Word weren’t readily available. They had to be copied by hand, a laborious process, until the printing press was invented in 1453 and even then they were too costly for average people to purchase. Another is that most were illiterate because the scarcity of materials made learning to read and write largely unneeded. Bibles are now available at reasonable costs in many places and (at least in our country) most people are literate so public reading may be viewed as unnecessary. But are we missing God’s blessing by eliminating it from our times of corporate worship?

In the Men’s Bible Study I facilitate one of the members once cautioned us not to skip reading the Word before studying and discussing it. In recent years the devotional Our Daily Bread has included the printed Scripture passage on which the day’s thought is based. The logic of both is that what God says is far more important than human insights so it can’t be ignored.

After Nehemiah led the Israelites in the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall Ezra was used of God to restore the nation’s spiritual life. In Nehemiah 8:2-5 we’re told, “…Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly…He read it aloud from daybreak till noon…And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law…Ezra opened the book…and as he opened it, the people all stood up.” (Emphasis added). So the reading of God’s Word was welcomed and respected as shown by the congregation’s standing and listening when it was presented. Many churches, including those I’ve pastored and attended, do this which I believe to be highly appropriate.

When Scripture is read aloud and we follow it on a screen or in our own Bible God is using two senses (sight and hearing) to help us grasp His truth. So let’s use both for His glory and our benefit.


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan

"The Rotten Apple Principle"


“The Rotten Apple Principle”


The adage “A rotten apple spoils the bushel” expresses what can happen when a single apple releases ethylene gas and causes the ones around it to go bad. It’s a modern adaptation of the 14th century English proverb “A rotten apple quickly infects its neighbor”, referring to how one person can negatively impact many others. Examples abound: one football player’s violation penalizes the whole team, a business executive’s unwise decision can cause many job losses, a political leader’s words and/or actions can plunge a nation or even the world into war and its resulting loss of life and destruction of property. Solomon had it right when he observed, “A wise person can overcome weapons of war, but one sinner can destroy much of what’s good.” (Ecclesiastes 9:18, NLT, emphasis added).

Scripture illustrates “the rotten apple principle” in a variety of ways. The human sin problem goes back to the act of one individual (“When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”—Romans 5:12, NLT). Many centuries later one man, Achan, disobeyed God’s instructions concerning the spoils of war causing Israel’s defeat and the loss of 36 soldiers. But God said, “Israel has sinned….” (Joshua 7:11, emphasis added)—the actions of one affected many. When King David went against wise counsel and in pride counted the number of soldiers ready to do his bidding many died in an ensuing plague (2 Samuel 24). And in his paranoia King Herod ordered the slaughter of young boys, leading to great sorrow among Jewish families (Matthew 2:16-18).

Twice (1 Corinthians 5:6; Galatians 5:9) Paul makes the point that “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” It’s unseen but its impact soon becomes evident. Much earlier Moses had warned Israel, “…You may be sure that your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23) and Solomon had written, “…God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14, emphasis added). None of us sins in a vacuum—our deeds will have an effect on those around us. So my prayer is that I’ll never be a rotten apple.


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan

Wednesday, February 5, 2025





One of the key steps in applying for employment is preparation of a resumé. This is a summary of one’s life information, qualifications for the position sought, experience and references which is submitted for consideration by a hiring person or group. Since it’s usually the first document presented its importance can’t be overemphasized and for this reason professionals are often engaged to write it on behalf of an applicant. Over the years in my lead pastor role I’ve reviewed many in order to fill church staff vacancies. And I’ve prepared a number of them for myself for specific situations. Some have been effective, others have likely been placed in File 13.

The term is also used in a biographical sense listing the traits marking a person’s character. We can see this in Scripture in both negative and positive ways. Diotrephes, for example, is described as one who “…loves to be first…(gossips) maliciously…(and) refuses to welcome (traveling teachers)….” to the point of expelling those who opposed him from the church (3 John 9-10). (How would his resumé be viewed by a Pastoral Search Team?) By contrast Joses, better known by his nickname Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37) is portrayed by Dr. Luke as “…a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith….” with the result that “…a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” (Acts 11:24). And in Psalm 78, a summary of Israel’s history written by Asaph, a temple worship leader during the days of David and Solomon, it says “(God) took David from tending the ewes and lambs and made him the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants—God’s own people Israel. He cared for them with a pure heart and led them with skillful hands.” (Psalm 78:71-72, NLT). Resumés like these two would be at the top of any church’s list of potential pastors.

As I’ve read of these men as well as others like King Saul, Israel’s later rulers and Herod and his descendants (ungodly leaders) and Abraham, Moses, Paul and many more men and women who glorified God by their words and actions a question came to mind: If God were to write my resumé what would it say? I pray it’d be like Jesus’ words to Mary, Lazarus’ sister (John 12:1-3), whom He defended before those who criticized her actions by saying, “She did what she could.” (Mark 14:8)—in other words, “She honored Me in the best way she knew how.” What better resumé (or epitaph) could we want?


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan

"When God Says 'Not Yet!'"


“When God Says ‘Not Yet!’”


In the late 1980’s circumstances necessitated our leaving a church and trusting God for our future. Initially I didn’t handle this well but believed I’d soon find another place of service. God, however, said “Not yet!” because there were things I needed to learn before I was ready for the next step in my faith journey. After more than two years (during which time God provided for our family in extraordinary ways) we moved to New Hampshire where He blessed the ministry far beyond our imagination for almost twenty years. His words through His prophet proved true: “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, emphasis added).

Fast forward some nineteen years. I was approaching the “traditional” age for retirement but felt led to prepare for health care chaplaincy. I was accepted into a training program in South Carolina in 2008 but God said “Not yet!” because both our widowed mothers had needs. So we postponed our departure for another year, during which time both our mothers’ needs were addressed and we sold our house under better circumstances than we could have before. Again let God speak, this time through King David: “The steps (and stops—a McMillan paraphrase) of the godly are directed by the Lord.” (Psalm 37:23, NLT).

Four years after moving to South Carolina and serving as a hospice chaplain there Karen and I looked towards “Retirement #2” and planned to move to Florida, our long term desire. But the housing market had tanked in 2013 so God again said “Not yet!” A year later we sold our house for some $20-25,000 more than we could have a year before and it was off to Florida. Again God used David to speak to us: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently before him….” (Psalm 37:7, emphasis added).

In his God-given wisdom Solomon said, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9, NLT). So before moving ahead and regretting the outcome (been there, done that) we must say with our Lord’s brother, “…If it is the Lord’s will….” (James 4:15, emphasis added). May we, with the Holy Spirit’s direction, be able to say, “I waited patiently for the Lord….” (Psalm 40:1)—we’ll be glad we did.


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan


"Screw Jacks"


“Screw Jacks”


While visiting with a friend not long ago he told me of using a screw jack for a home project. Given my lack of mechanical skills I asked some questions and he explained how it worked. As he spoke I made some mental notes as it had the makings of a blog piece. So I did more research and found some interesting facts and applications to our lives as followers of Christ.

The invention of the screw jack (also called a jack screw) has been disputed. Some have credited it to Frank Sleeper in the 1880’s and others to Frank Gormley in the early 20th century (both men were Canadians). The purpose is lifting heavy objects by turning a screw-like device with a lever. Some are relatively small, such as an automobile jack to change a tire, while others are much larger. A friend bought a fixer-upper house (we thought he was nuts when we first saw it) and used a screw jack to level the structure. Then over time he transformed it into a beautiful home where he and his family lived for many years. In another case a house moving rig on Dave’s college campus broke an axle and a screw jack was used to lift a three story building so repairs could be made. Nowadays, however, hydraulic jacks have largely replaced screw jacks because of easier operation.

As I listened to my friend’s description of how a screw jack functions my mind went to Paul’s admonition in Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” The Greek word for burdens comes from another one meaning torment or torture, suggesting an overwhelming load which can’t be handled alone. (A different word is used in verse 5—“each one should carry {his or her} own load”—which refers to a soldier’s pack carried by one person so there’s no contradiction.) Just as a screw jack does for us what we can’t do alone so our joining together helps others deal with circumstances which might otherwise overcome them. Earlier on the morning I’m writing this a member of our Bible study fellowship told of a group of men from his church who went to a nearby campground owned by a different denomination to assist in clean-up and rebuilding efforts following two recent hurricanes, an example of the church being the church. (See the early posting, “Don’t Go to Church….”, for other examples.) My question: Am I prepared to be a “screw jack for Jesus” as these godly men were?


Grace and Blessings!

Jim McMillan